Agarwood Cultivation | Pintanna Plantations
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Sri Lanka's Most Lucrative Agarwood Portfolio

We specialize in cultivating and exporting one of the most commercially valued trees in the world known as Agarwood. Become a part of our efforts to utilize this treasure by purchasing Agarwood Trees. A prosperous future for you, a greener future for Sri Lanka!

Husma Trio Investment Plan

Earn your harvest annually from the 3rd year onwards!



Husma Maturity Investment Plan

Earn your harvest at once at the end of the plan!



From Seed to Dollar... a process like no other!

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We nurture several species of Agarwood such as Aquilaria Crassna, Subintegra and Gyrinops Walla (Wallapatta), all under one roof!


We are one of the few conglomerates in the world and most certainly the only company in Sri Lanka that covers the Total Cycle of Commercialization of Agarwood. Here's our golden seven steps. Slide through!

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Agarwood Paradise

Hundreds of acres of Agarwood trees, nurtured with love and passion, experience a true paradise of Agarwood like no other. Witness a 100% organic cultivation that creates a home for Ceylonese wildlife.



Our archive of knowledge and information on Agarwood is now available for you, along with updates on our Company events and many more! All in bitesize readable articles.


Wallapatta: The Enigmatic Sri Lankan Agarwood

Deep within the lush forests of Sri Lanka, a hidden treasure awaits. Wallapatta, also known as "Silani Oud" is a mystical...


Unveiling the Unanduwa Laboratory 2023

At the heart of Pintanna Holdings' research and development endeavors lies our state-of-the-art laboratory...


Unanduwa Factory - First Brick Ceremony

On this auspicious day the First Bick of our upcoming Unanduwa Factory was placed....

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Contact Us

Hotline/WhatsApp: +94 11 705 4054



Head Office : 35, Galhena road, Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka.

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