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Silani By Pintanna - Nugegoda Grand Opening Ceremony

Updated: Jul 10, 2023

We're happy to bring our Sri Lankan Heritage into the global market under the brand name Silani with our First-ever Sri Lankan Oud Outlet’s Grand Opening in Nugegoda on the 19th of January 2023.

The opening of the first-ever Silani outlet was a highly successful endeavor for the company. The event was met with great enthusiasm from our customers, as evident by the strong sales figure which recorded over LKR 1.5 million from the opening day alone.

For this special occasion, State Ambassador of Kuwait His Excellency Khalaf Mohamed Buddhair, 1st Secretary of the Embassy of Palestine Hisham Abu Thaha, Announcer Kelum Wijesuriya, Media Presenter Danu Innasithamby, CEO and Co-Founder of British Cosmetics Products Mr. & Mrs. Jagodaarachchi, Former Sri Lankan Cricketer Mr. Romesh Kaluwitharana and many more invited guests were there at the grand opening ceremony.

We are proud to have been able to offer our customers with such a fantastic experience, we will continue to strive to provide the best possible Oud Experience in the future. This successful opening is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our Pintanna Family, and we look forward to continuing to build on this momentum as we move forward.

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Head Office : 35, Galhena road, Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka.

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